Civil rights currently being restricted drastically – AfriForum sets up complaints channel
The civil rights organisation AfriForum has published a report indicating which rights are being restricted as a result of the nationwide lockdown. Apart from the report, AfriForum also created a channel where people can inform the organisation if their rights are being limited under these circumstances. Emails in this regard can be sent to
The report was compiled by Adv. Mark Oppenheimer, an expert in constitutional law, and suggests that a significant number of the public’s civil rights are being restricted significantly due to the nationwide lockdown. This includes the rights to freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom and security of the person, the right to privacy, children’s rights, the right to education and the right to human dignity. The document was published on AfriForum’s website and it will be approached as a live document seeing as it will be updated continuously as a result of important developments.
Ernst Roets, Head of Policy and Action at AfriForum, says that AfriForum is already on record that the organisation is in favour of measures that were instituted to restrict the spread of the coronavirus. AfriForum also earlier directed a letter to the Department of Health and declared the organisation’s willingness to become involved in the battle against the spread of the coronavirus.
“Supporting measures to restrict the spread of the virus does however not mean that we are handing a blank cheque to government. Pressure groups still have an important role to play to make sure that the crisis is being handled in a responsible manner. AfriForum’s duty is now especially to see to it that the nationwide lockdown runs its course, as well as that these rights are fully restored when the lockdown is over.”
Members of the public whose rights are being limited can send an email to
Click here for the report.