AfriForum neighbourhood watches in Mpumalanga take part in national patrols

AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches in Mpumalanga West, which includes Standerton, Secunda, Delmas, Witbank and Piet Retief, took part in AfriForum’s national safety patrols on Friday, 20 July, in cooperation with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and various safety initiatives.

During these patrols 241 patrollers from five AfriForum neighbourhood watches covered 8 534 kilometres in 77 vehicles and twelve incidents were successfully dealt with. Seven suspects were arrested for various offences during the Standerton patrol.

“National patrols are held to increase visibility. The seven arrests made during the Standerton patrol indicates that this visibility contributes to a favourable outcome,” says Hillel Coetzer, Regional Safety Coordinator for Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.

“I am proud of the positive contribution that the cooperation between AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches, the SAPS and other safety institutions are bringing about,” says Bronwen Pretorius, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for Mpumalanga West.

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