Claim your money back from your municipality.

Submit your dispute!

A huge victory in the interest of millions of municipal electricity consumers was achieved in the Northern Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, according to the civil rights organisation AfriForum. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s plans to push through unlawful and invalid municipal electricity tariff increases were thwarted this morning when its application for leave to appeal was rejected.

However, municipal electricity rate increases were implemented nationwide at 178 licensed electricity distributors on 1 July this year, despite only 66 distributors having conducted cost studies. At least 112 municipalities have therefore already been charging illegal electricity rates to millions of consumers for more than a month.

In the meantime, AfriForum will write an urgent letter to the Energy Regulator and insist on a plan of action regarding the refund of over-recovery to consumers. The organisation will also request a complete list of municipalities that have not yet submitted cost studies, so that the implementation of the court order can be monitored.

What can you do in the meantime?

Send a dispute letter to your municipal electricity supplier. We will be sending you a ready-made dispute letter by e-mail; get the letter by email here:

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