Dikgatlong Municipality doesn’t react to AfriForum letter

The civil rights organisation AfriForum pronounced its discontent over the ongoing sewerage crisis in Barkly West, including a sewerage problem at the Mataleng four-way crossing and two primary schools. AfriForum has been in a struggle with the Dikgatlong Local Municipality since October of last year, with the first letter to the Municipality having been sent on 17 October 2018.

A.K. Modise, Municipal Manager of the Dikgatlong Local Municipality, answered
AfriForum’s first letter on 1 November 2018. Modise’s answer mentions that the sewerage problem at the Mataleng four-way crossing was repaired and that Longlands and Barkly West Primary School were examined, for which only a temporary solution could be supplied. He also claims that the cause of the sewerage blockages is foreign objects that the community dumps in the sewerage system.

Modise further mentions that the Municipality is currently finalising an agreement with a contractor who will upgrade the sewerage pumps so that it will not become blocked so easily. Part of this project – which will be funded by the Department of Water Works – also includes the installation of an automatic pump system to carry the rising load of the Dikgatlong community. Further the Municipality will also conduct groundwater assessments in polluted areas to determine the impact of sewerage spills.

AfriForum received Modise’s letter on 1 November 2018, after the civil rights organisation unsuccessfully met with Modise and following AfriForum’s Kimberley branch being forced to clean and disinfect the Barkly West Primary School’s premises themselves on 12 October 2018, when the premises was flooded with sewerage for the third time.

In its letter of 5 December 2018 AfriForum thanked the Municipality for its answer, because this sort of communication makes it possible for AfriForum and municipalities to work together. AfriForum however wanted to be clear that it holds the rights of all communities in high regard and that the noticeable lack of service delivery contradicts Modise’s so-called concern over the health and wellbeing of the community that is served by the Dikgatlong Local Municipality.

In this follow-up letter AfriForum again insisted that the following measurements immediately be put in place:

  1. The repair of all sewerage blockages and spillages in Barkly West;
  2. An investigation into the extent of sewerage blockages and spillages in Barkly West;
  3. The conduct of a full audit on the condition and suitability of the current sewerage pipeline system in Barkly West; and
  4. An action plan to AfriForum on the necessary repairs and upgrades to the sewerage system to prevent further pollution due to sewerage blockages and spillages.

Lize-Mari Smit, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the Karoo, says in the latest letter: “The lack of service delivery to better the health and wellbeing of the Barkly West community is unacceptable and will not be tolerated further.” Modise was reminded that local authorities can be held criminally liable for actions that negatively impact people’s health or cause pollution. Local authorities can also be held civilly liable regarding the maintenance, repair and operation of infrastructure relating to the discharge of sewerage (or water-containing waste) through pipes or other materials.

Modise was urged in both letters to respond to AfriForum’s demands, or the civil rights organisation will:

  1. perform the necessary repairs and hold the Municipality liable for any costs; and/or
  2. submit criminal charges against Modise (as Municipal Manager and responsible officer of the Dikgatlong Local Municipality, failing to stand to his duty).

By 10 December 2018 AfriForum had not yet received any feedback from the Municipality.
After the deadline was extended first to 13 December 2018 and again to 11 January 2019, no feedback has as yet been received.

Smit urges any person in the Dikgatlong municipal area who have complaints about service delivery or who have become ill due to the sewerage problem to call her on 081 217 6801 or to send and email to lize-mari.smit@afriforum.co.za.

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