
Communities must oppose draconian NHI Bill at provincial public hearings

The National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill is currently before the National Council of Provinces (NRP) and residents of each province will have the opportunity to comment on this bill from next week. AfriForum makes an urgent appeal to communities to attend these hearings and make oral submissions against this draconian bill. The hearings will begin on 18 September in the Western Cape.

If the bill is passed, the impact of the NHI will be extremely devastating. Among other things, this will give the Minister of Health unreasonable power over the private health sector, lead to a drastic outflow of medical expertise from South Africa, and place an unbearable burden on taxpayers.

“It is important that the public attend the provincial hearings to oppose the NHI in every possible way. Greater opposition by communities improves the chance of stopping this destructive bill,” warns Louis Boshoff, AfriForum’s spokesperson on the NHI.

Participation in public hearings is one facet of AfriForum’s comprehensive opposition to the NHI which includes written comments, liaison with the health industry and a court case.

“AfriForum cares about the health of all South Africans and will not stand by as absurd ANC plans, which will completely disrupt healthcare provision, are implemented unhindered,” Boshoff concludes.

AfriForum will keep the public informed of opportunities for oral comments in the other provinces as soon as they are announced. More information available at www.jougesondheid.co.za.

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