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NHI: AfriForum board signs resolution to fight until all remedies are exhausted

The highest decision-making body of the civil rights organisation AfriForum has committed the organisation to see the legal battle against National Health Insurance (NHI) through till the end. AfriForum’s board of directors signed a resolution this morning in which, firstly, it is confirmed that the organisation will file a lawsuit against the government and secondly, it is undertaken that this lawsuit will continue until all remedies have been exhausted.

AfriForum is one of several role players who have announced a legal battle against NHI and intends to do so by means of a class action, together with an interim application to suspend the application thereof.

According to Louis Boshoff, Campaign Officer at AfriForum, the adoption of this resolution means that AfriForum considers the health freedom of South Africans to be a matter of principle. “This means that AfriForum will not stop the fight against NHI, even if it takes years.”

“The fact that two weeks before the election President Cyril Ramaphosa made such a big public ceremony of the ratification of the bill and during the event did not take questions from the media himself, makes AfriForum wonder if he has a good understanding of the potential impact of NHI at all. The exact reason AfriForum is committed to this fight against NHI is because we have studied the bill thoroughly and understand in depth its dangers,” concludes Boshoff.

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