AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Secunda renders assistance to community

AfriForum’s neighbourhood watch in Secunda assisted the community these past few weeks by helping to solve various problems. 

On 30 June 2017 the local neighbourhood watch received information that an electricity cable was damaged during the repair of a water leak. Members of the neighbourhood watch reacted to this information and upon their arrival at the scene found that the damaged cable caused a fire that was busy spreading to the nearby substation. The neighbourhood watch in cooperation with other safety institutions offered assistance to bring some order to the situation and also helped to keep curious bystanders safe.  

On 4 July 2017 the Secunda neighbourhood watch was informed of a water leakage at the local aerodrome. It came to light that this leakage has not been repaired by the local municipality for three days, after which AfriForum branch members purchased the necessary supplies for only R120 and repaired the leak, which has wasted thousands of litres of water, within an hour.

The Secunda neighbourhood watch on 5 July 2017 saw on social media that community members were seeking help with the safeguarding of a dangerous area in the vicinity of which the fence was cut. Neighbourhood watch members got involved and repaired the fence themselves.  

“We would like to thank the community, as well as all safety institutions and emergency services for their willingness and support when the community needs them,” says Nico Venter, Chairperson of the AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Secunda.  

“AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches offer legal representation, training, equipment and assurance to all our members. Become involved and help to promote your community’s safety – contact the Secunda branch’s emergency number at 084 598 3845,” requests Hillel Coetzer, AfriForum’s Regional Coordinator for Mpumalanga West.   

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