AfriForum order made final – Soshanguve trespassers to be removed soon

The interim court order that AfriForum obtained on behalf of Dr Motodi Maserumule on 31 August 2018 was confirmed and made final today in the Northern Gauteng High Court.  The order stipulates that trespassers who are currently occupying a farm outside Pretoria illegally must be removed by the Sheriff, and that the SAPS is compelled to assist the Sheriff in this duty.

Although the trespassers ordered a lawyer to oppose the application, no opposing documents were filed, and neither the trespassers, nor their representatives appeared in Court today. A meeting has already occurred between the various parties to discuss the removal, and the trespassers will soon be removed.

“AfriForum will continue to monitor the proses and assist Maserumule until the trespassers are removed. We will unceasingly become involved in similar actions and applications to ensure that the responsible persons and organisations, among these the SAPS, are called to accountability if they do not discharge their responsibilities,” says Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety.

Landowners are urged to fence in their properties and to do everything in their power to prevent potential land grabbers from trespassing on their properties.

“Landowners should ascertain themselves of their rights and have contingency plans in place to nip land grabs in the bud,” Cameron concludes.

Read guide regarding illegal land grabs here: Grondgrype_A4_Eng.

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