
Illegal vendors in Mooinooi

AfriForum’s Mooinooi branch requested an action plan from the Madibeng Local Municipality with regard to addressing the illegal vendors in the town’s main street. The branch thus appeals to the public to support them by signing a petition and by doing so supporting the abovementioned request and forcing the Municipality to action.

There are currently dozens of illegal vendors in Lonrho Drive. It causes an increase in illegal activities in town. AfriForum has received many complaints from the people of the community to whose attention it came that the vendors sell illegal alcohol as well as drugs. The vendors are therefore a serious safety risk for the residents of Mooinooi.

AfriForum is hopeful that the problem will nevertheless improve thanks to continued pressure and with assistance from the community. Please help us by signing the petition whereafter the branch management will hand over the petition list to the Municipal Manager to apply further pressure.

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