


From 25 November to 1 December 2023, Ernst van Zyl and Monique Taute will be visiting Geneva in Switzerland as AfriForum representatives to represent AfriForum’s members as well as South African minority groups at two United Nations events.

The first event involves a follow-up visit to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). In 2022, AfriForum submitted a report that documented all the new discriminatory legislation, incidents and policies in South Africa that were implemented or proposed or took place since 2020. The report also documented some of the most prominent incidents of hate speech and incitement to violence against minorities by high-profile individuals during the same period.

AfriForum compiled this report to provide CERD members with a more comprehensive description of the extent to which minorities are discriminated against in South Africa, especially through hate speech, incitement to violence and discriminatory legislation.

South Africa’s record will be reviewed by CERD in 2023 in relation to the elimination of discrimination in the country. AfriForum will therefore submit a new report on racial discrimination by the South African government to CERD, and will also make a short presentation, as AfriForum’s contribution to this review process.

Secondly, Ernst van Zyl, AfriForum’s Head of Public Relations, will make a presentation on the ongoing hate speech and discrimination against minority groups in South Africa before the United Nations Forum on Minority Issues. This year’s theme is:

“Minorities and Cohesive Societies: Equality, Social Inclusion, and Socio-Economic Participation”.

Through international actions like this, AfriForum raises important awareness on the international stage about minority issues such as racially discriminatory laws in South Africa. The organisation also puts the South African government’s negative and even hostile views, statements and policies towards minorities on record. In this way, AfriForum is also continuing to establish itself abroad as a reliable, legitimate authority on matters concerning South Africa, especially minority groups.

Support AfriForum where they are applying pressure abroad on the South African government’s racial laws.


The persecution of minority communities in South Africa since 2020

This report is the sequel to The world must know: The persecution of minority communities in South Africa report. The report was published by AfriForum in 2020 as part of an international liaison tour to the US to raise awareness about matters such as farm attacks, hate speech against minorities, the romanticisation of violence against minorities and South Africa’s many racially discriminatory laws. The new 2022 The world must know: The continued persecution of minority communities in South Africa since 2020 report seeks to document new legislation, incidents and policies that relate to the theme of the persecution of minority communities in South Africa and that have been implemented or proposed, or have occurred since the release of the first report in 2020. The report also provides updates on many of the policies, laws and incidents that were documented in the previous report.

Sections in the report include:

  • Racially discriminatory laws in times of Covid and beyond
  • Expropriation without compensation: Amendment of the Constitution and introduction of the 2020 Expropriation Bill
  • Riots, unrest and looting during July 2021
  • Senekal and the “Kill the Boer” trial of Julius Malema/EFF
  • Targeting minority heritage
  • Continued decline of Afrikaans language rights and education

This 2022 report provides a useful and comprehensive summary of the important developments regarding the above themes and incidents, with source references to substantiate each documentation. It is an ideal source for anyone who write about or comment on South African politics, in particular minority communities, as well as for those who research or report on this subject matter.


The persecution of minority communities in South Africa