Education and leadership


Cultural Affairs is responsible for national strategy development, projects related to international liaison and areas related to language and culture.

Your one-stop education information page

AfriForum is in favour of quality native language education and therefore focuses especially on Afrikaans schools. We will fight any matter that threatens the ethos and quality of education offered by these schools.

Send any queries on educational matters to

Find out more about education-related projects:

Anti-bullying campaign

Leandie Bräsler

Tania Scheepers

Dink of Sink debate competition


Tania Scheepers


Entrepreneuskompetisies en -opleiding vir leerders

Leandie Bräsler

Tania Scheepers

Regular issues:

Kontak die skool se beheerliggaam vir leiding.

Rig jou navraag aan die AfriForum-traumaeenheid.

Kontak FEDSAS of die ouerbeheerliggaam, of dieSAOU in geval van dreigement teen personeel.

Kontak FEDSAS of die SAOU.

Kontak Akademia of Stefan Pieterse by Helpende Hand.

Kontak FEDSAS.

Kontak FEDSAS.

Kontak FEDSAS.

Kontak FEDSAS of Melanie Buys.

Kontak FEDSAS of Melanie Buys.

Kontak Helpende Hand (Hannie Viljoen of Stefan Pieterse) of Akademia.

Word ongelukkig nie toegestaan nie.

Kontak AfriForum Jeug.

Kontak AROS.

Kontak Akademia.

Youth and leadership development

It is important to AfriForum to work together with learners, teachers and parents to make a difference and create hope in schools. Every child in our country deserves the necessary guidance to develop their leadership skills – they are after all the leaders of tomorrow. Ons kinders is immers die leiers van môre. We offer a leadership development session in cooperation with Manie Botha from Evolve Life in schools for Grade 6 and 7 learners.

Email or if your school wants to access these service.

Nursery schools

Pandemic Risk Management Guide – A Guide for Early Childhood Development Centres in South Africa

Webinar: Risk Management for Nursery schools


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AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign

AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign #FightsandBuilds since 2017.

Download the anti-bullying guide here.

We fight by putting a stop to bullying in schools. 172 schools, 133 000 learners, 6 000 teachers and 2 000 parents across the country have already been addressed on bullying as well as the impact thereof.

We build by creating hope and equip schools as well as communities with the necessary knowledge and skills to put a stop to bullying.

Safe schools ensure safe communities – not only now, but also in future.

AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign is five years old this year and we want to thank every school, learner, teacher and parent who acts as ambassadors in their different communities to oppose bullying.   

Become part of the solution, leave footprints and, together with AfriForum, create hope by acting proactively. Together we will see to it that schools and communities are free, safe and prosperous.

Please send an email to or if your school wants to make use of these offers.

Download the guide here.

  1. AfriForum’s anti-bullying guide (only in Afrikaans)

AfriForum’s anti-bullying guide helps learners to grasp the meaning and impact of bullying by comparing it to an ugly, irritable and bullying giant. This metaphor will help children to grasp the role that they play in bullying, whether they are typically the targets, the bystanders or the bullies themselves – or even a combination of all three categories. The role of bystanders are especially important. The guide is aimed at helping children to understand the power of bystanders: To become allies for one another and to stand up for themselves and others. The guide helps them to realise that they can learn to become emphatic; it teaches them to become involved in good and friendly deeds and how to stand up against bullies. It is important to start the create this awareness in children first, because they can act as agents of change to make a further change in society.

As adult, you can share the content of the guide with your child/children by discussing it with them.

May our children learn to cherish their identities and to treat others with respect. Our children are the leaders of tomorrow: our country’s future. You as parent or teacher have an enormous impact in our children’s lives. Teach them to shine their little lights brightly in the dark world outside, so that they can make a difference in other children’s lives. Teach them to build rather than break down their friends. We are all unique and selected!

Download the anti-bullying guide here (only in Afrikaans).

  1. Cyberbullying guide

Technology is developing every day. The same is true of children’s ability to bully. Bullying, which was once conned to the
school grounds or the school bus, has since extended to include bullying through technology and on social media. This is known
as cyberbullying. Children’s need to communicate with their friends is still the same; however, the ways in which they choose to
communicate with one another has changed considerably. From an early age, children are asking for electronic devices such as
cell phones, tablets or games. It does not stop there, however, because they also want access to certain social media platforms
to play online games or to share personal information. There are many benets to the internet and social media, but there are also
just as many dangers and cons – especially when it comes to our children and their safety.

Download the Cyberbullying guide here

  1. Resource guide for the COVID-19 lockdown and other times of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic brought South Africa to a standstill, just like in the rest of the world. Not only does it have a major impact on the physical health of adults and, but it may also have a significant on their emotional well-being. In these uncertain times everyone attempts to adapt to this new “normal”.

AfriForum decided to cooperate with Impact Therapy Centre by translating the guide compiled by the psychologist Ashleigh Yaman. This guide is important because it empowers children and adults (parents and teachers) with techniques to manage times of anxiety and overwhelmed feelings. In such times, frustration increases and anxiety levels rise extraordinarily high. The fact that it cannot be ascertained with certainty when the virus and its impact will come to an end poses great challenges to everyone’s emotional well-being. That is why it is good to have a guide such as this one. We are therefore thankful to be working in this way with Ashleigh Yaman and Impact Therapy Centre. Thank you! This guide will be usable even in the post-COVID-19 ere when adults will have to pick up the pieces. They may become overwhelmed if they have to start working again or have to find work. Schools, teachers and learners will possibly have to adjust to an amended curriculum; the normal routine of the year may change, which means that everyone will have to adapt to the new routine.

The techniques in this guide can be applied to any crisis, among these bullying in children, and it can be used by parent, teachers and learners. It is especially important to AfriForum’s youth leadership division to look after our country’s children and their safety – physical as well as emotional.

We are confident that this guide will make a difference in many lives.

Download the resource guide for COVID-19 lockdown and other times of crisis.

For children, parents and teachers:

For parents and teachers (only in Afrikaans):

Short documentary

Herman Odendaal
AfriForum’s short documentary on the story of the 12-year-old Herman Odendaal


Leandie Bräsler
AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign


Gerhard Nieuwoudt
AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign


Prof. Elmarie Kritzinger


Daniël Eloff
AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign


Ashleigh Yaman
AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign


Hui-Mari Meyer
AfriForum’s anti-bullying campaign

  1. Webinar on cyberbullying (only in Afrikaans)

AfriForum’ anti-bullying campaign team offers a webinar on cyberbullying at, which focuses on:

  • bullying, with specific emphasis on cyberbullying and what it entails
  • children and the safe use of technology, the internet and applications
  • the danger signs of possible suicide attempts
  • legal advice: what the law says on bullying and cyberbullying


  • Leandie Bräsler (AfriForum’s Manager of Junior Leadership)
  • Elmarie Kritzinger (Unisa)
  • Gerhard Nieuwoudt (District Coordinator at AfriForum)
  • Daniël Eloff (attorney at Hurter Spies Inc.)

Listen to the webnar for free:

AfriForum and Solidarity Helping Hand take hands with the #EkIsWondermeisie campaign. This is where AfriForum’s anti-bully campaign and Helping Hand’s FroueVonds and #HelpHetta project merge to make a difference in needy girls’ lives. This year this organisation will pay schools in the Eastern Cape a visit.

AfriForum’s anti-bully campaign focuses on empowering young people and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to put a stop to bullying. Sometimes inner bullying takes place, especially among young girls.

Three thousand school girls’ lives come to a standstill every five days, because their households cannot afford sanitary ware. The #HelpHetta project distributes sanitary ware and other necessary hygienic products to girls on a quarterly basis. These Hetta girls are educated in various matters, such as rejection, peer pressure, self-defence and abuse. Furthermore they are supported emotionally and mentally through regular WhatsApp messages. The content is compiled by Helping Hand’s team of social workers. Visit for more information.

In a broken and competitive world it is particularly necessary to empower girls to stand out in this world by encouraging them to just be themselves. During the Help Hetta tour a lot of elements from AfriForum’s anti-bully campaign are used, where we will talk about the importance of self-esteem and that we should not look for our worth in this world, but that we are already worthy in God’s eyes. Girls are inclined to belittle themselves through comparisons and the use of social media – it ruins their self-confidence. It is important to empower girls in such a way that they realise their bodies are a temple of Jesus Christ and that they must respect and protect their own bodies and that our bodies must also be respected by others. #EkIsWondermeisie will also teach the girls to put on their full armour.

Meet the #EkIsWondermeisie team

Benette Welman

Project organiser at Solidarity Helping Hand

Role in project: As project organiser of the #HelpHetta project it is her privilege to look after the holistic well-being of 3 000 schoolgirls on a daily basis throughout South Africa. We ensure that the girls receive sanitary ware, but we also put effort into every other facet of their lives, so that they are equipped to grab life with both hands.

Leandie Bräsler

Manager: Junior Youth Leadership Development at AfriForum

Role in project: She is the motivational speaker during the #HelpHetta tour to empower girls with the #EkIsWondermeisie talk that also forms part of AfriForum’s anti-bully campaign.

Bernadette Nel-Naude

Community Development Manager at Atlas Security in Port Elizabeth

Bernadette is the face of the company Atlas Security in the Port Elizabeth community and the face of the community in the company. She spends her days in the community to teach and empower people to protect themselves. During her career in the security field she experienced that crime against women increases more and more and that it negatively impacts the growth and development of young girls. She then decided to do everything possible to focus on empowering and protecting this target group at schools, women’s associations, forums, etc. by offering safety speeches and self-defence workshops.

Tania Scheepers

Project Assistant: Education at AfriForum

Role in project: Tania is a hardworking woman who makes all the necessary arrangements from AfriForum’s side during the #HelpHetta tour. She ensures that photos and videos are taken during the tour for AfriForum’s social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.



Living and working purposefully is a courageous strength that can empower people from all walks of life to impact lives and positively influence culture, communities, the country and nations at large.

But first people need to be TRANSFORMED!

William Moyses, an avid professional speaker, writer, entrepreneur and former sportsman, effectively engages with diverse audiences around change initiatives that is critical to long-term success and sustainability. His competence to connect seamlessly with all ethnic groups in any social standing is innovative and graceful. The virtue of his influence has impacted over 160 different businesses, schools, sports teams, rehabs, juvenile detention centres and groups globally. In the last three years alone from 2021 till today William and the KINGinme team have done over 800 live experiences with different groups across Africa resulting in empowered minds and transformed lives. William’s personality traits and attitude spark change which makes him a popular and vibrant speaker.

Let’s shift the dynamic! 

Arise and shine champion!

Get in touch with us today via WhatsApp: 084 560 7440 or our social media platforms.