
Safety is one of mankind’s basic needs; however, it is no longer a given. AfriForum helps you to establish safety in and around your home, suburb and community through various projects, products and services.

Neighbourhood watches

The value of neighbourhood watches has been proven time and again, especially when these neighbourhood watches operate in cooperation with other security structures such as community policing forums (GPFs) and the SAPS.

AfriForum has already established more than 100 neighbourhood watches across the country, and these neighbourhood watches ensure better safety, the prevention of crimes and the apprehension of suspect persons.

Every neighbourhood watch member receives proper training to inform them of their rights and responsibilities, as well as in self-defence and radio use.

AfriForum 911

AfriForum is proud to announce that the current AfriForum 911 emergency services, that we have been offering for many years for free to AfriForum members, have now been expanded to include a free cell phone panic button. Where members until now had to request help in case of emergencies from AfriForum 911, help can be provided quicker simply by pressing a button on your cell phone.

Media statements