
17 000 km in 14 hours: AfriForum neighbourhood watches in Eastern, Southern and Western Cape tackle community safety with mass patrol

AfriForum neighbourhood watches in the Southern Region, which includes branches in the Eastern, Southern and Western Cape, showed their mettle for 14 hours in AfriForum’s national mass patrol which kicked off on Friday afternoon (13 October 2023) at 16:00. This action was taken on in collaboration with the local South African Police Service (SAPS), community policing forums (CPFs), security companies as well as traffic, law enforcement and various other security agencies.

A total of 966 AfriForum patrollers and 398 patrollers from other institutions participated in this region’s patrol. The patrollers travelled a total of 17 407 km in 769 vehicles.

During the patrol, 46 incidents were dealt with. The incidents dealt with include possession of drugs, burglary equipment and possession of illegal weapons as well as driving under the influence of alcohol.

“The AfriForum South Region neighbourhood watches will constantly undertake projects and conduct regular patrols to curb crime in collaboration with the SAPS and other security agencies and promote safety,” says David Olivier, AfriForum’s Security Specialist for the South Region.

Get involved with AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches today. You can help to secure your community: SMS “Buurtwag” to 45340 (R1).

  • Photo: Members of AfriForum’s Worcester neighbourhood watch ready to take part in AfriForum’s mass patrol which was undertaken nationwide.

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