AfriForum Month of Self-reliance project: Meyerspark branch working hard

Members of AfriForum’s Meyerspark branch concluded a successful town patrol on 16 October 2017, which also included a clean-up action. The good work was repeated on 17 October when the neighbourhood watch apprehended a suspected dustbin thief. The neighbourhood watch is active in among others Meyerspark, Equestria, Silverton and Silverton Extensions 6 en 8.

During the clean-up operation, all illegal posters and stickers on lampposts were removed, which resulted in about four bakkie loads of rubbish. The dustbin thief was handed over to the SAPS, who opened a case against him.

“We are here to make a tangible difference and want to cooperate continuously with other safety structures to ensure the security of our area,” says Andre Badenhorst, Chairman for Safety at AfriForum’s Meyerspark branch.

“Neighbourhood watches are there to support the local SAPS and to help mobilise the community in emergency situations. This is a very good example of the importance of such cooperation,” says Lambert de Klerk, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for Gauteng.

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