AfriForum pushes for scrapping of TV licences and privatisation of SABC in parliamentary submission

AfriForum will submit written comments to the Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies regarding the South African Broadcasting Corporation SOC LTD Bill [B32-2023] on 16 January. In its submission AfriForum proposes two solutions for the SABC’s prolonged and continued struggles with funding, corruption, mismanagement and wasteful expenditure. The main solution is that the SABC should be privatised, however, if the government rejects the decentralisation of state power, the alternative is for TV licences to be scrapped. Either way, the current dysfunctional status quo cannot continue.

AfriForum argues that privatisation would reinvigorate the SABC and lead to better efficiency, higher quality programmes, as well as financial stability. Privatisation would also help fight corruption and mismanagement. In regard to the arguments for scrapping TV licences, AfriForum cite the sky-high rates of evasion and non-compliance, as well as the unjustifiable extra financial burden they play on poor households. AfriForum also suggests possible alternative sources of funding.

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