AfriForum puts the focus on empowering small businesses in its submission on the amendment bill on National Small Enterprises

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today submitted written comments on the National Small Enterprises Amendment Bill (2023) proposing legislation to complement the bill. The Department of Small Business Development has been lacking in providing adequate legislative support for small businesses, but this amendment will seek to address the current shortfall.

The organisation believes that with the correct amendments, the bill holds immense potential to make a substantial positive impact on South Africa’s economy, with a primary focus on small businesses in the country. The bill’s objective is to institute an ombud to deliver justice to small businesses independently, sparing them the complexities of the formal justice system. This ombud will have the authority to grant damages to small businesses subjected to unfair treatment and enable them to file complaints of unfair treatment against any suppliers, customers, government entities, and others.

“A great importance should be directed at the balance of power. By promoting non-racial and non-discriminatory principles through the legislation, it will ensure fair competition among small businesses. Our comments emphasize that by enacting for deracialized legislation and providing funding opportunities to small businesses, critical concerns will be addressed which can contribute to the greater well-being of all South Africans,” says Charné Mostert, Campaign Officer at AfriForum.

Mostert adds that this bill is an encouraging development for owners of small businesses. “South African small businesses represent over 90% of registered enterprises, contributing up to 34% towards the country’s GDP. These are small entities creating large contributions to the economy. It is essential to integrate non-discrimination and non-racial principles into the bill to promote equal opportunities for all businesspeople irrespective of their racial or ethnic backgrounds.”

AfriForum trusts that its proposed amendments will be essential in advancing non-racialism and promoting a business environment where all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity, have equal access to opportunities.

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