
AfriForum documentary exposes ongoing interference and mismanagement at Netball SA

AfriForum today released the second episode in their documentary series about the true state of affairs in Netball South Africa (Netball SA). The episode entitled Interference in and mismanagement of sport in South Africa focuses on allegations of wrongful suspensions, victimisation, abuse of power and overall mismanagement at Netball SA.

Some of the biggest revelations in this episode is that members of Netball SA, for fear of victimisation, cannot express their concerns about matters concerning Netball SA. Those who do say something are suspended. The message seems to be: Don’t ask questions and don’t get on the wrong side of Cecilia Molokwane, president of Netball SA.

The first episode in this series was released in June of this year and featured numerous serious allegations, including allegations of sexual abuse. The latest episode backs up some of the claims made in the first episode. According to AfriForum, it is clear that there is a deep-rooted problem in this sports governing body and that urgent action must be taken to nip these problems in the bud.

The guests in this episode are Mimi Zulu (former president of Netball SA), Eric Mathabatha (a netball coach) and Joseph Taylor (a Netball SA coach and umpire).

“We cannot just stand by while the values ​​of fair play and respect, which are the cornerstone of sport, are watered down by the individuals entrusted with upholding them. The allegations of victimisation and revenge are unacceptable and should be investigated further,” says Ronald Peters, manager of Sport at AfriForum.

“Mismanagement of sports federations and governing bodies in South Africa has a negative impact on the role that sport should really play in the development and empowerment of communities,” concludes Peters.

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