
AfriForum files an appeal after Eskom partially refuses PAIA application

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today filed an internal appeal against Eskom’s decision to withhold certain information, which the organisation demanded in a PAIA application. On 11 July this year, AfriForum submitted a PAIA application to obtain information about active contracts that the national energy supplier has with various service providers, this includes coal suppliers and transport companies that transport the coal.

The appeal application emphasizes that Eskom gave an insufficient explanation for the information that was withheld and also did not comply with the PAIA Act, which aims to promote transparency. According to AfriForum, the public interest outweighs the possible damage that can be caused if the information that has been omitted is made public.

“AfriForum, our members and the public in general have a right to this information and therefore we are optimistic that this appeal application will succeed. It is particularly relevant to know what prices neighboring countries are paying for the electricity that Eskom supplies to them, as well as the price of related services and payment terms. AfriForum will continue to fight for transparency in Eskom’s business practices and energy security in South Africa,” says Morné Mostert, AfriForum’s manager of Local Government Affairs.

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